Saya almost tertipu & terkena. The promoter memang pandai berlakon… such as ooo…cik, cik lah org pertama yang dapat hadiah macam ni… konon nya lah. Siap kerumun u ramai2 as if to witness the so call pelanggan bertuah… i.e. masa tu dapat rebate voucher for rm1000 .. Then, the promoter tu terus call his boss- konon nyer nak verify kan the voucher yang worth that amount! Then the boss pulak konon2 nya nak congratulate we all. First customer yang dapat voucher tu… kata dia lah. Macam real betul!
Got carried away jugak for a few minutes.
Lepas tu, terus dia promote suruh beli barangan yang harga beribu-ribu ringgit tu. Cara they all pulak very possessive. Lepas tu start nak close the deal by forcing us to pay by card or cash. We don't have credit card we said. Dia tak percaya pulak. Terus ajak gi atm machine suruh keluarkan duit… macam bagus je kan!
Anyway, we all sedar ni semua scam bila they all start marah2 bila kita kata we are not interested at all and suruh budak promoter tu guna sendiri voucher tu… since dia claim barangan dia bagus sangat. Lepas tu we all blah terus dari tempat tu. Voucher pun we all tinggalkan jer atas meja they all.
Sekarang ni we all tengok dia nyer target market kat pacik macik yang dah berumur sikit, macam pensioner. Senang nak makan kot … with their sweet talk. Jaga2 ya semua. Jangan sampai terkena… selalunya kat ruang legar kat Carrefour (tersusun ngan periuk belanga)
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