Selasa, 27 November 2012

Pas bantah konsert Sir Elton John pulak!

Inilah hipokrasi Pemuda Pas kononnya mereka menentang LGBT, oleh itu Pas boleh lah berdemo di Genting. Bawa anak-anak kecil, sepandok besar-besar untuk menentang kehadiran penyanyi yang berkahwin sesama kaum sejenis itu.

Tantawi lupa kah apa yang dikatakan oleh Anwar dan Nurul Izzah bahawa LGBT perlu mendapat hak dan ruang di Malaysia?

Tantawi tak takutkah bahawa ramai orang Dap akan ke sana untuk menonton konsert tersebut?

Berikut adalah kenyataan Tantawi 100 dalam akhbar 'the star'.

PAS leaders will go ahead to protest against Elton John's concert at Genting Highlands on Saturday night after their calls for the show to be cancelled went unheeded by the organizers.

PAS Youth chief Nasrudin Hassan Tantawi said they would submit a protest note to the Government against the organizers if the show, scheduled to be held at the Arena of Stars, is not stopped.

"We will use the approach of submitting a memorandum to protest against the concert.

"This is one of the measures we intend to take to check social ills in the country," The Malaysian Times quoted him as saying in an interview with the news portal yesterday.

"Whatever it takes, we will not let up on our dakwah work and will continually remind all Muslims, particularly youths, not to get involved in matters that can drag them into vice," Nasruddin said.

This will be the second concert in Malaysia for Elton, following his sell-out show at the same venue last year, also in November.

PAS had also raised its objections to the concert on grounds that it promoted "hedonism" and because of the singer's gay marriage, which the party felt had a negative effect on young Malaysians.

Elton, who has sold more than 250 million records with hits like Rocket Man and Your Song, married David Furnish in 2005 when same-sex marriages were legalized in Britain.

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