Isnin, 13 Mei 2013


NOW, after being sore losers and instigating people to reject the just concluded 13th general election results and probably leading the people to riots to destabilize the democratically elected government, Bersih chairman Ambiga called for a boycott of mainstream newspapers – Star, NST, Berita Harian and Utusan Malaysia.

Having won the high number of popular votes but could not form the government or overthrow the Barisan Nasional (BN) government, Ambiga, of course instructed or directed by her bosses Anwar Ibrahim, Lim Kit Siang and son Lim Guan Eng, made the call because they believe the gullible people backing them would follow.

This act would, in their minds, would 'kill' these newspapers and people will will read their online portals and blogs.

The fact is the opposition leaders and Ambiga do not want Malaysians to know the truth thus 'kill' the newspapers that tell the truth.

The mainstream newspapers have been reporting the truth and explaining the truths behind all slanders and accusations the opposition leaders have been throwing at government leaders particularly Prime Minister Najib Tun Abdul Razak and his Cabinet ministers.

Opposition leaders have been sowing the sentiment of hate and doubts against the ruling coalition of BN through their blogs and portals and the mainstream newspapers have been rebutting through explaining the truths with facts and figures.

Opposition leaders know the post-general election period is the time voters began to re-look at their choices during voting and ask themselves whether they did the right thing.

Opposition leaders and Ambiga do not want voters to do this because then voters. Not all but many would then begin to have second thoughts and start to distance themselves.
Anwar and his gang do not want this to happen and psychologically what they should do?

Simple – take away the source of truths from the voters – boycott the mainstream newspapers that report the truth.

Same time, further hit and pump and pound the voters minds through rallies where talks and more accusations are hurl against the winners, show to the voters the number of participants that join the rallies – 50,000, 60,000, 100,000 – impress them with numbers.

For gullible Malaysians numbers can convince – right or wrong is immaterial as numbers always make it right.

That is why while Ambiga call for boycott to the sources of truths – which are the mainstream newspapers – Anwar continues with his rallies.

For sane and rational Malaysians, enough is enough. The election is over and the verdict is known worldwide – Barisan Nasional emerged victorious – it simply means the truths prevail.

Let Anwar and his gang cry foul around the country – let be sour losers – Malaysians should just ignore them, let them act like madmen and cry babies.

Just ignore Ambiga's call and continue reading the truths from the mainstream newspapers – the truths always are difficult to accept but accepting the truths reflect maturity and wisdom.
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