Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Abdul Rahman Dahlan has challenged former Bar Council chairperson Ambiga Sreenevasan to reveal her sources regarding the allegation concerning 1MDB funds and PAS.
He said this is important in order to establish if the allegations against 1MDB were based on facts or otherwise.
“For years, we have asked Clare Rewcastle-Brown (Sarawak Report's editor) about the source used in her writings.
“We asked because we wanted to carry out an exhaustive investigation into all the allegations hurled at 1MDB. But she has refused to reveal her source.
“(Now) she suddenly names Ambiga as a source...,” he was quoted as saying by the BN Backbenchers Council(BNBBC) portal.
However, Abdul Rahman is confident that Ambiga (photo) would remain silent, without naming her sources or disclosing facts to substantiate her allegation.
“She will never reveal (the information) because we all know (the allegation of PAS receiving money from Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak) is false.
“In fact, this is the reason why (PAS president Abdul) Hadi Awang brought the matter to court. He did so because the allegation involves his reputation as a leader,” he said.
Describing this as an “episode of lies”, Abdul Rahman noted how in the past, Rewcastle-Brown had given the impression that the information in her articles cannot be questioned.
“However, the truth has emerged upon pressure from the court (proceedings),” he added.
Hadi had filed a defamation suit against Rewcastle-Brown in the UK over an article in Sarawak Report which suggested that PAS had received some RM90 million from Najib.
Yesterday, Malaysiakini reported that Rewcastle-Brown, who is based in London, had mentioned Ambiga as her source of the information in her court filings. The latter has declined to comment.
Najib and his supporters have accused Sarawak Report of being part of a conspiracy headed by Dr Mahathir Mohamad to topple the prime minister. Rewcastle-Brown has denied this.