Isnin, 22 September 2008

Awang Selamat Part 1

Awang Selamat worried over demographics
Benjamin Tan | Dec 1, 05 4:18pm
I would like to comment on Utusan Malaysia's commentary ‘Bisik-bisik Awang Selamat’ on Nov 29 which reads: "Awang yakin apa yang menimpa wanita China itu adalah kes terpencil. Janganlah hanya kerana satu dua kes seumpama itu, kita terlupa tentang isu yang lebih meruncing - kebanjiran ratusan ribu warga asing termasuk dari China dan India yang tinggal lebih masa."

It seems that this ‘Awang’ is indeed very worried about the "hundreds of thousands of Chinese and Indian nationals" who overstayed their welcome. Ironically, he mentioned nationals from these two countries, when it is most obvious that the majority of "warga asing" - whether legal or illegal - come from countries like Indonesia.

I'm sure it is very much easier to bump into an Indonesian instead of a Chinese or Indian national in just about anywhere in the country.

Besides, one seems to wonder what this ‘Awang’ meant by "isu yang lebih meruncing". Yes, some of these women from China have been involved in prostitution, but based on his past commentaries, one would find it hard to believe if this guy really give a damn about the well-being of Malaysian families.

What this ‘Awang’ is very much worried here is whether these foreign nationals would end up marrying locals, which in turn would then boost the population of the ever-declining (in terms of percentage) Chinese and Indian minorities.

Of course, the same cannot be said of the Indonesians who have been in the country for many, many years.

Having read this ‘Awang’'s commentaries previously, it does not really come as a surprise that his views contain racial overtones and bias. Considering that this entity has been in journalism for such a long time, one would have expected it to express its views in a more matured and professional manner.

To sum up: Way to go, Awang!