DAP does not care what your colour is, as far as you are a Malaysian, capable, honest, competent, accountable, and transparent, you are welcome to join in the struggle for a better Malaysia!
DAP works for a better and more efficient work force. DAP works for the betterment to upgrade and uplift the standard of living of all Malaysians, through its efforts to promote quality education to all, regardless of race or religion.
DAP works for Malaysia and Malaysians. DAP works to upgrade the country to be a knowledge base economy through its efforts to promote the teaching of Science and Maths.
DAP realized that only through honest efforts to promote and educate Malaysians, to impart to them what is required by market requirements and demands, to add value to all Malaysians to make themselves really marketable.
DAP realized that this has got to be done through efforts and not mere rhetorics. No investors are going to pay you a high income base on your rhetorics!
UMNO, MCA, MIC, and Gerakan sadly failed to understand this. Bolts and Nuts depend on mere rhetorics to continue suppressing the Rakyat, whereas PR works towards assisting the Rakyat to achieve quality education, only then can they achieve their desire to earn a higher income.
BN is more into politickings only with their 1Malaysia, No Cover Ups, Juara Rakyat, and so on. It cannot lead and cannot provide good leadership, it can only provoke racial discontent, stoke racial and religious tensions to stay in power.
PR works towards cooperation and trust amongst all communites and to be truly regarded as Malaysians!
BN strives to break the unity of Malaysians by dividing them through race and religion. PR strives to make each and everyone of us proud to be Malaysians, PR strives to contain the damage done by BN.
PR strives to rebuild the country that is strife torn between race and religion created by UMNO, MCA, MIC, Gerakan and other mosquito parties.
BN had wrecked every institutions in the country, be it the police, MACC, judiciary, whereas PR seeks to put back the respect and trust into these mediums.
Every sector of the economy is corrupted to the core and PR strives to bring back the shine and trust in them.
Over to you Gerakan K, Cheers!