Actually gua dah lama tak follow blog2 politik ni.. gua rasa Malaysia ni dah tepu sangat dengan politik.... apa aje org buat, akan jadi kena mengena dengan politik... membosankan.. tak apalah, gua singkatkan mukadimah yg membosankan ini...
Anyway back to this blog title... baru2 gua jumpa member lama dari MAS. Member gua ni dah 20+ tahu kerja dengan MAS. Dulu pun gua kat MAS jugak. So cerita dari dia quite serious. Biar gua singkatkan and straight to the facts... So cerita ni semua adalah berkait dengan kisah MAS & AIRASIA share swap, director swap, etc
1. Banyak staff MAS are un happy with what has taken place...
2. Banyak yg akan menguntungkan tony & gang...
3. Khabarnya kamarudin maybe the key person behind this...
4. FireFly mungkin ditutup... apa jadi to the staff... Firefly suppose to compete dgn Airasia...
5. Belum apa2 lagi, MAS dah kena sponsor QPR pulak...
6. Union akan kehilangan kuasa bila operation Widebody dan 737 di pecahkan dan fleet 737 akan ditukarkan kepada Sapphire dan dikhabarkan rosmah ada kena mengena dengan Sapphire... lagi buat di org fedup... wallahhualam...
7. Kos cutting akan dimulakan dan mungkin stewardess/steward lepas ni kena share bilik hotel macam crew airasia dan mcm2 lagi
8. Kapal terbang yg tony dah order banyak2 tu akan diserapkan ke MAS... dia n geng ambik komisen la kot utk poket sendiri...
9. So MAS people r questioning.... does this exercise benefit the Rakyat and MAS staff...???? Mana pi Rakyat Didahulukan & Pencapaian Diutamakan!!!
SO, gua pun tak tau lah... it is understood MAS people are very sokong the BN and Gov... but now semua tgh bengang and tak ada mood... and have declared THEIR VOTES IS NOT FOR BN/UMNO...
They will monitor tony n geng action every single second.... in total BN will lose around 40,000 votes roughly...
Ini sudah kes teruk utk BN/UMNO... Najib buat kerja penat2 ... no point...
Cerita 2....Air Asia staff more "Good" Compared to MAS .
Malaysia Airlines Employees Union (Maseu) request for a new administration, which is expected to take over the administration of the airline in the near future, to consider all issues before making any significant changes in the administration of the MAS.
Maseu President Alias Aziz said the MAS staff worried about the airline competition has become a strategic alliance that could lead to workers laid off due to a change in administration strategy happen.
However, they were relieved when Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak in the meeting last Thursday Maseu short a guarantee that no layoffs, including voluntary redundancy.
Alias said that based on past experience, Maseu concerned the appointment of the new MAS corporate managers do not give any advantage to the nearly 20,000 employees worldwide MAS.
"We do not want every time a new appointment from outside the corporate manager he brought in 30 to 40 new people cause there is no surplus employees ... as a result of promotion of existing employees. We do not want the banana fruit twice," he said at a news conference at the office Maseu in Subang Jaya, here today.
Thus, he was quoted by Bernama Online said they hope the appointment of a new corporate manager this time was among the MAS employees better understand their own country's aviation industry.
In addition, the alias hope that the national airline 64 years old can also enhance the welfare of employees such as housing and medical allowance, like that of government-linked companies (GLCs) to another.
Maseu President Alias Aziz said the MAS staff worried about the airline competition has become a strategic alliance that could lead to workers laid off due to a change in administration strategy happen.
However, they were relieved when Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak in the meeting last Thursday Maseu short a guarantee that no layoffs, including voluntary redundancy.
Alias said that based on past experience, Maseu concerned the appointment of the new MAS corporate managers do not give any advantage to the nearly 20,000 employees worldwide MAS.
"We do not want every time a new appointment from outside the corporate manager he brought in 30 to 40 new people cause there is no surplus employees ... as a result of promotion of existing employees. We do not want the banana fruit twice," he said at a news conference at the office Maseu in Subang Jaya, here today.
Thus, he was quoted by Bernama Online said they hope the appointment of a new corporate manager this time was among the MAS employees better understand their own country's aviation industry.
In addition, the alias hope that the national airline 64 years old can also enhance the welfare of employees such as housing and medical allowance, like that of government-linked companies (GLCs) to another.