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PMC pun dia nak jual |
Kerajaan Negeri Pulau Pinang mempunyai cadangan menjual Penang medical college kepada pihak Irish.
Kalau penjualan yang tersebut dijalankan, malang nya pihak Irish akan dapatkan kawalan seluruhnya Penang Medical College dan dapatnya mereka berbuat sesukahati. Penang Medical College akan dijual kepada pihak Irish. Kami merayu supaya dapat Tuan mengambil langkahlangkah sewajarnya supaya pihakpihak berkenaan dapat menjalankan pertimbangan dengan teliti terhadap cadangancadangan menjual Penang Medical College kepada pihak Irish.
Kalau telah di jual susahnya pihak Rakyat Malaysia dapat mengawal balik Penang Madical College pada masa hadapan
Pihak Irish ingin mendapatkan kawalan Kolej tanpa terlibat pihak Malaysia kerena dapat faedah kewangan.
Kawalan Peneng Medical College kalau dapatnya oleh Pihak Irish akan mendapatkan mereka dapat kawalan Hospital Pulau Pinang.
Kalau penjualan Penang Medical College tidak dapat dielakan , cara penjualannya harus dijalankan secara tender terbuka dan transparent yang ditawarkan kepada pihak Rakyat Malaysia.
Sesuatu penyiasatan harus dijalankan terhadapan pengurusan penang ,medical college
Kalau penjualan Penang Medical College tidak dapat dielakan , cara penjualannya harus dijalankan secara tender terbuka dan transparent yang ditawarkan kepada pihak Rakyat Malaysia.
Sesuatu penyiasatan harus dijalankan terhadapan pengurusan penang ,medical college
The Irish are tying to take over Penang Medical College .
Please try not to allow this take over. Malaysian management must remain in control the medical college for the rakyat to educate honest honest and good doctors.
Worse still the Irish National University of Ireland which grants the degree MB ChB is going to be dissolved in June 2011 because of financial reasons and other reasons not disclosed.
The Irish partners of the Penang Medical College twinning programme are now trying to apply to various worldwide bodies so that they can manufacture a medical degree qualification which they can market as an internationally recognised medical degree.
The current degree awarded to graduating students of the PMC twinning programme is advertised as internationally recognised but this is false.
The degree MB ChB (National University of Ireland) is only recognised in Malaysia and Ireland( where the great majority of PMC students cannot get jobs)
The degree is now no longer going to exist after the dissolution of the National Univesiti of Ireland
This disaster is very unfair for all the PMC graduates who studied very hard for their degree, paid a lot of money and also to the Malaysian Government and people who supported the scholarships students.
Please investigate this fiasco where foreigners are allowed to use Malaysian facilities to exploit Malaysians and make excessive profits for themselves by exploiting the "Tabik Orang Putih Tuan" phenomenon which some conning Malaysians are being accomplice to for their own personal gain to exploit their fellow citizens .
The Penang Hospital should be made use by The Malaysian Ministry of Health and the
Malaysian Ministry of Education to run a Medical Education facility to train doctors who will be caring and compassionate, not doctors who want to get back the money they have cost in paying excessive fees for their medical education.
Anyway 75%-80% of the teaching at the PMC college is done by Kementerian Kesihatan staff who should concentrate on treating the sick.
JPA , MQA and MARA should really instigate and really interview their students , get the truth and maybe use the Penang Hospital to conduct their own Medical University.
What is the use of paying so much to foreigners for a degree which is only recognised in Malaysia and , now worse still is no longer going to exist because the institution granting the degree is going to be dissolved.
The medical college is operational only because of the teaching hospital in Penang ie
Hospital Pulau Pinang . Without the Hospital there will be no medical college.It really cost
a lot of money to run a medical college entirely. The big silent partner in the college is Hospital Pulau Pinang and Kementeian Kesihatan Malaysia
The Irish are very very aware of this. They are making a lot of profit from Malaysia. It is said that PMC is nonprofit. but why are the Irish so willing to take control of the College.
The reason is that they getting a great lot of Money from the fees especially fees for the first 2-3years course in Dublin
The preclinical course in Dublin costs 30,000 euros per year, per student. For 120 students it costs 120 X 30,000=3,600,000 euros, per batch of students, per year
At any one time there are year1,year2, year 3. (1st 6 months/half year) So in total there are 2.5 batches of students costing in fees only 3,600,000euros X 2.5 == 9,000,000 euros So its 9 million euros and converted into ringgit it is 9X5== 45 million ringgit. per year
The capital and /or expenditure required for the preclinical laboratories/ course is minimal
So one can see why the Irish are so eager to be involved in Penang Medical College
It gives them a big profit. for almost no expenditure
If there was no PMC the Irish cannot get this money as they do not have the clinical teaching hospitals to provide practical clinical teaching and training.
They only want to grab grab grab, providing very poor facilities. There have really
no improvements at PMC, facilities poor, library poor, computer IT facilities poor. Irish want more and more profit , fees keep increasing, more and more students but PMC staff not around , a lot of teaching left to junior hospital staff some even have no postgraduate degree.
The orang putih get big fat salaries to come and enjoy their retirement in a warm climate. They cannot communicate, cannot talk to patients , do not know the local manners, and often misbehave especially parties.
The Degree given by National University of Ireland also poor and useless, Only recognised in Malaysia & Ireland .
Many many PMC graduates try to apply to work in UK, Australia,Singapore but PMC National University of Ireland degree not laku. Graduates told by General Medical Council in UK , that PMC graduates have to pass PLAB examination first.
Told by Australian Medical licensing Authorities that PMC graduates must pass AMEC exams first. USA- USMLE, Singapore - no more recognition of PMC degree. For working and higher specialist training in Ireland , only 1-2 students accepted per year ,and only if they are very outstanding.
It is very sad that Penang Medical College Graduates cannot even appear for the qualifying exam in Singapore for medical graduates from unrecognised Universities
To graduate from PMC private student spends about 700k, scholarship student has 10 year bond or pay 600k penalty. but degree recognition, no different from , local medical colleges, eg AMIST- 300k, Allianz-350k, Melaka Manciple- 400k, IMU local course 350k,
and now UNITAR- 250k MAHSA College 250k etc etc. Penang and Malaysia needs a good ethical and reasonably priced medical college.
These facts can be investigated and you will find that they will see they are accurate
All in all Malaysians have been conned, and are allowing themselves to be conned .
Penang General Hospital can be a very good teaching hospital if properly
organised with PMC Lecturers helping in service and senior hospital staff doing some teaching.
Management is sadly bad and manage the college for their own benefit
i) CEO threatened students who did not attend motivational lecture by his friend Eddie Jordan. Just guess who paid the lecturers expenses
ii) CEO is forcing a change of place of library, canteen , students common room to a rented building 1 km away from lecture and tutorial rooms. Students disagree and petitioned that the change will be inconvenient as they cannot use library in between lectures and tutorials but CEO doesn't care. he says space is needed, BUT space is wasted on a foreign consulate, and on a research centre
which has nothing to do with students.
iii) CEO does not care about college and students but spends time and college money on his friends Irish Parties, Irish games and puts expenses of his Irish friends and purchases equipment for use by his Irish friends on PMC expenses
If there is an investigation much Moore wrongful activities will be found. Please don't allow PMC to be sold to the IRISH or any other company who may latter sell to Irish.
Malaysians must keep control of PMC to keep medical college honest, transparent , affordable, so that students can graduate not feeling angry, not feel cheated and not having to have plenty of loans to pay off.
If students have a lot of loans to pay and feel they have been cheated they will be looking to get as much money from the patients, and the patients and society will suffer
Please try to keep control of PMC with its teaching hospital in Penang . Good management are to be a nonprofit organisation and are in the best position to control and show a good example of a well run , transparent medical college to produce dedicated and honest doctors to serve the rakyat especially the poor. Please keep control of PMC and the hospital Penang.
The Hospital is a very precious asset because it is very very very costly to run a teaching hospital, They really ,can ,only be run by central governments or by by foundations supported by very wealthy billionaire benefactors.
PMC course should be made affordable and totally local studies like the rest of the medical schools.
The Irish involvement can be phased out . Malaysians don't need an expensive Irish degree which is only worth the same recognition wise as a local Malaysian degree, Russian , Indian,Indonesian degree.
Those who want a degree from a western country because of plans to emigrate should not be deceived. The PMC degree is not an internationally recognised degree.
Please keep costs affordable studies local. Malaysians need only locally recognised degree.An investigation into Penang Medical College is required
Please try not to allow this take over. Malaysian management must remain in control the medical college for the rakyat to educate honest honest and good doctors.
Worse still the Irish National University of Ireland which grants the degree MB ChB is going to be dissolved in June 2011 because of financial reasons and other reasons not disclosed.
The Irish partners of the Penang Medical College twinning programme are now trying to apply to various worldwide bodies so that they can manufacture a medical degree qualification which they can market as an internationally recognised medical degree.
The current degree awarded to graduating students of the PMC twinning programme is advertised as internationally recognised but this is false.
The degree MB ChB (National University of Ireland) is only recognised in Malaysia and Ireland( where the great majority of PMC students cannot get jobs)
The degree is now no longer going to exist after the dissolution of the National Univesiti of Ireland
This disaster is very unfair for all the PMC graduates who studied very hard for their degree, paid a lot of money and also to the Malaysian Government and people who supported the scholarships students.
Please investigate this fiasco where foreigners are allowed to use Malaysian facilities to exploit Malaysians and make excessive profits for themselves by exploiting the "Tabik Orang Putih Tuan" phenomenon which some conning Malaysians are being accomplice to for their own personal gain to exploit their fellow citizens .
The Penang Hospital should be made use by The Malaysian Ministry of Health and the
Malaysian Ministry of Education to run a Medical Education facility to train doctors who will be caring and compassionate, not doctors who want to get back the money they have cost in paying excessive fees for their medical education.
Anyway 75%-80% of the teaching at the PMC college is done by Kementerian Kesihatan staff who should concentrate on treating the sick.
JPA , MQA and MARA should really instigate and really interview their students , get the truth and maybe use the Penang Hospital to conduct their own Medical University.
What is the use of paying so much to foreigners for a degree which is only recognised in Malaysia and , now worse still is no longer going to exist because the institution granting the degree is going to be dissolved.
The medical college is operational only because of the teaching hospital in Penang ie
Hospital Pulau Pinang . Without the Hospital there will be no medical college.It really cost
a lot of money to run a medical college entirely. The big silent partner in the college is Hospital Pulau Pinang and Kementeian Kesihatan Malaysia
The Irish are very very aware of this. They are making a lot of profit from Malaysia. It is said that PMC is nonprofit. but why are the Irish so willing to take control of the College.
The reason is that they getting a great lot of Money from the fees especially fees for the first 2-3years course in Dublin
The preclinical course in Dublin costs 30,000 euros per year, per student. For 120 students it costs 120 X 30,000=3,600,000 euros, per batch of students, per year
At any one time there are year1,year2, year 3. (1st 6 months/half year) So in total there are 2.5 batches of students costing in fees only 3,600,000euros X 2.5 == 9,000,000 euros So its 9 million euros and converted into ringgit it is 9X5== 45 million ringgit. per year
The capital and /or expenditure required for the preclinical laboratories/ course is minimal
So one can see why the Irish are so eager to be involved in Penang Medical College
It gives them a big profit. for almost no expenditure
If there was no PMC the Irish cannot get this money as they do not have the clinical teaching hospitals to provide practical clinical teaching and training.
They only want to grab grab grab, providing very poor facilities. There have really
no improvements at PMC, facilities poor, library poor, computer IT facilities poor. Irish want more and more profit , fees keep increasing, more and more students but PMC staff not around , a lot of teaching left to junior hospital staff some even have no postgraduate degree.
The orang putih get big fat salaries to come and enjoy their retirement in a warm climate. They cannot communicate, cannot talk to patients , do not know the local manners, and often misbehave especially parties.
The Degree given by National University of Ireland also poor and useless, Only recognised in Malaysia & Ireland .
Many many PMC graduates try to apply to work in UK, Australia,Singapore but PMC National University of Ireland degree not laku. Graduates told by General Medical Council in UK , that PMC graduates have to pass PLAB examination first.
Told by Australian Medical licensing Authorities that PMC graduates must pass AMEC exams first. USA- USMLE, Singapore - no more recognition of PMC degree. For working and higher specialist training in Ireland , only 1-2 students accepted per year ,and only if they are very outstanding.
It is very sad that Penang Medical College Graduates cannot even appear for the qualifying exam in Singapore for medical graduates from unrecognised Universities
To graduate from PMC private student spends about 700k, scholarship student has 10 year bond or pay 600k penalty. but degree recognition, no different from , local medical colleges, eg AMIST- 300k, Allianz-350k, Melaka Manciple- 400k, IMU local course 350k,
and now UNITAR- 250k MAHSA College 250k etc etc. Penang and Malaysia needs a good ethical and reasonably priced medical college.
These facts can be investigated and you will find that they will see they are accurate
All in all Malaysians have been conned, and are allowing themselves to be conned .
Penang General Hospital can be a very good teaching hospital if properly
organised with PMC Lecturers helping in service and senior hospital staff doing some teaching.
Management is sadly bad and manage the college for their own benefit
i) CEO threatened students who did not attend motivational lecture by his friend Eddie Jordan. Just guess who paid the lecturers expenses
ii) CEO is forcing a change of place of library, canteen , students common room to a rented building 1 km away from lecture and tutorial rooms. Students disagree and petitioned that the change will be inconvenient as they cannot use library in between lectures and tutorials but CEO doesn't care. he says space is needed, BUT space is wasted on a foreign consulate, and on a research centre
which has nothing to do with students.
iii) CEO does not care about college and students but spends time and college money on his friends Irish Parties, Irish games and puts expenses of his Irish friends and purchases equipment for use by his Irish friends on PMC expenses
If there is an investigation much Moore wrongful activities will be found. Please don't allow PMC to be sold to the IRISH or any other company who may latter sell to Irish.
Malaysians must keep control of PMC to keep medical college honest, transparent , affordable, so that students can graduate not feeling angry, not feel cheated and not having to have plenty of loans to pay off.
If students have a lot of loans to pay and feel they have been cheated they will be looking to get as much money from the patients, and the patients and society will suffer
Please try to keep control of PMC with its teaching hospital in Penang . Good management are to be a nonprofit organisation and are in the best position to control and show a good example of a well run , transparent medical college to produce dedicated and honest doctors to serve the rakyat especially the poor. Please keep control of PMC and the hospital Penang.
The Hospital is a very precious asset because it is very very very costly to run a teaching hospital, They really ,can ,only be run by central governments or by by foundations supported by very wealthy billionaire benefactors.
PMC course should be made affordable and totally local studies like the rest of the medical schools.
The Irish involvement can be phased out . Malaysians don't need an expensive Irish degree which is only worth the same recognition wise as a local Malaysian degree, Russian , Indian,Indonesian degree.
Those who want a degree from a western country because of plans to emigrate should not be deceived. The PMC degree is not an internationally recognised degree.
Please keep costs affordable studies local. Malaysians need only locally recognised degree.An investigation into Penang Medical College is required
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