
International Republican Institute (IRI)
To improve the quality of governance in Malaysia through political party building and civic education. IRI will provide technical assistance to Malaysia political parties, assist with policy development to improve governmental response on key issues, and support civic education programs in an effort to develop a more informed electorate. IRI will provide technical assistance to Malaysia political parties and coalitions, assist multiple stakeholders with their policy development to improve governmental response on key issues, and support active citizenship education efforts.
National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI)
To encourage dialogue among political parties, civil society, and the public and increase parliamentarians’ responsiveness to constituent concerns. NDI will work to strengthen the citizen outreach skills of political parties’ and elected officials and organize a civic information fair, designed to promote informal interaction between NGO representatives, political party officials, and members of parliament.
Southeast Asia Centre for E-media (Seacem)
To strengthen independent media in Malaysia. Seacem will support media outlets that provide professional, responsible coverage of issues and news often ignored or distorted by the mainstream media.
Southeast Asian Press Alliance (SEAPA)
To strengthen independent media in Malaysia. SEAPA will support the development of media outlets that provide professional, responsible coverage of issues and news often ignored or distorted by the mainstream media, and conduct campaigns to strengthen the rights of freedom of expression and the press in Malaysia.
Suara Inisiatif Sdn Bhd (Suaram)
$80,000 *
To promote human rights in Malaysia. Suaram will organize human rights campaigns on the issues of democracy, the right to trial, and refugees and migrant workers. Suaram will also continue to produce its annual survey and evaluation of the human rights situation in Malaysia.
The grant listings posted here are from the 2008 Annual Report. We will be posting 2009 and 2010 grant listings in the near future.