Khamis, 16 Disember 2010


Penulis blog ini adalah orang Sarawak dan dia patut malu pada diri sendiri kerana tidak peka dan tidak tahu urusan tanah NCR.

Kebanyakan tanah di bumi Sarawak boleh di gazzetkan sebagai tanah NCR , pergilah teroka tanah dan dengan hanya RM 300 anda boleh dapat geran dan kategorikan tanah tersebut sebagai NCR. Ramai orang Iban, Melayu dan bumiputra lain boleh buat jika mereka mahu.Tidak hairanlah ada orang yang mempunyai tanah beratus hektar tanah jika mereka rajin meneroka dan sanggup membayar untuk mendapatkan tittle NCR.

Beberapa hari lepas TM dalam perbualan dengan penduduk tempatan mengenai tanah NCR ini macam tu lah jawapannya.

Katanya kebanyakan tanah hutan diterokai oleh orang Iban dan bila sudah bersih hutan mereka akan cari pembeli. sesiapa yang mampu membayar harga yang diminta oleh Iban tersebut boleh lah memiliki tanah tersebut dan untuk mendapat status NCR kenalah merujuk kepada Land and Survey Dapartment.

Setelah tanah yang dibersihkan dan terjual, Iban akan teroka lagi tanah untuk mencari pembeli seterusnya.

Ada juga kes dimana orang Cina masuk dan berkahwin dengan Iban semata-mata untuk mendapat tanah NCR.

Oleh sebab itu isu tanah NCR tidak akan pernah selesai,  Tidak hairan juga banyak kes-kes perebutan hak milik tanah ini kerana ia tidak disukat dan diberi hak milik kerana mereka kurang arif dalam urusan tanah.

Peneroka yang mati dan tanah ditinggalkan pun menjadi masalah bila ada pihak lain yang mangambil kesempatan ke atas tanah dan menyatakan tanah tersebut hak mereka .

Ini menimbulkan perbalahan sesama mereka sendiri selagi tuntutan hak milik tidak diselesaikan secara adat.

Oleh itu jangan lah buat cerita bodoh mengenai tanah NCR ini. Tanah yang luas di bumi kenyalang ini perlu dimanfaatkan dengan sebaik mungkin. Jadi Ladang kelapa sawit adalah komoditi terbaik negara.

Orang Iban pun nak hidup senang, jadi apa salahnya jika tanah NCR mereka dijual atau dipajak untuk dijadikan ladang kelapa sawit.

Hornbill Unleashed
December 16, 2010
More native lands to make way for oil palm
Filed under: corruption,Native Customary Rights,Politics — Hornbill Unleashed @ 12:00 AM
Tags: Anak Sarawak Bangsa Malaysia, NCR, Sarawak politics, Save Sarawak, Taib Mahmud

FMT Staff

With an already declining rainforest, Sarawak now intends to turn another million hectares of jungle into oil palm plantations in the next 10 years.

According to English daily The Star, Sarawak Land Development Minister James Masing said native customary rights (NCR) land belonging to the state’s indigenous people would be used to plant more oil palm.

Masing said that the state government was looking into a “more aggressive” conversion of native lands, and that it had request for funds from the federal government for this purpose.

Swiss-based rainforest activist group Bruno Manser Fonds (BMF) was appalled at this decision. “Masing’s announcement comes as a shock to human rights and environmental campaigners who are increasingly concerned about the ruthless alienation of native lands,” it said.
mana-mana gambar pun boleh baa

BMF said that more than 920,000 hectares of land in Sarawak are occupied by oil palm plantations. It added that Masing’s plan would add two million more hectares by 2020.

NCR land is a contentious issue in Sarawak, where many indigenous communities have faced down both private companies and the state government for moving into their territory.

Late last October, seven Iban villagers from Sebuyau were accused of allegedly setting fire to a timber campsite. The villagers have argued that the charges were baseless, as some of them were not even in the area when the incident took place.

Prior to the supposed arson, the people of Sebuyau mounted a blockade to prevent timber workers from entering an area which the former claimed was NCR land.

Their attempts to include the state government in defending their land fell on deaf ears. However, when the alleged burning took place, the authorities were noticeably lightning-quick in detaining the accused villagers.
suka hati saja letak gambar

BMF said that the state government had failed to enforce its forest legislation policies and accused it of unlawfully handling native rights issues.

The activist group said this had led to the European Union’s decision to stop timber trade talks with Malaysia over its Voluntary Partnership Agreement.

BMF also said that the root of all of Sarawak’s environmental problems was the rule of Chief Minister Abdul Taib Mahmud.

In charge of the state since 1981, Taib has recently come under fire over land deals given to his family members, as well as owning a large number of overseas properties.